
Visit Valkenswaard makes every effort to keep the content of this website up-to-date. If you nevertheless come across something that is not correct, we would very much appreciate your response. We invite you to report inaccuracies, incompleteness or ambiguities via info@visitvalkenswaard.nl.

The texts and images on VisitValkenswaard.nl are from Visit Valkenswaard or affiliated partners. Agreements have been made with those parties about the use. Sometimes this is not possible because one or more beneficiaries of the intellectual property rights or the heirs of the rights are not known or cannot be traced. If you believe that the text or digital objects published by us on one of the communication channels violates your rights, you can contact us at info@visitvalkenswaard.nl. In the e-mail, please state the title of the relevant item, the URL or the communication channel and what material it concerns. We will then investigate your objections and send you a reply as soon as possible.